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Hearing Care

E&K Welcomes Our New Audiologist

We are pleased to announce audiologist Austin Timoney has joined Ellis and Killpartrick BATH in order that we can also now provide hearing care. Austin holds clinics every Tuesday and to book an appointment through the Hearing Care Partnership please follow the link https://www.thcp.co.uk/

Austin has a strong background in science, with degrees in Natural Sciences, Biotechnology and Audiology. He has extensive experience in the assessment and rehabilitation of adults and children with hearing loss, having worked for the NHS prior to joining The Hearing Care Partnership. Austin is dual-registered with the HCPC as a Clinical Scientist and Hearing Aid Dispenser.With his strong focus on providing patient-centred hearing care, Austin appreciates that his working environment permits ample time and access to the best technology. This ensures he can help his patients to live a life uncompromised by hearing loss.Austin has a young family and spends his spare time enjoying nature and outdoor pursuits: “I love getting out into the great outdoors, whether hiking or cycling, or just indulging in a round of golf!”

I qualified with the MSc Audiology in 2007.
Other degree were BSc Natural Sciences (2001) & BSc Biotechnology (2004).


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