Cheltenham : 01242 228686
Tetbury : 01666 502913


If comfort and style are your desire, Lindberg are the ones for you. Light weight and super stylish, these frames make you feel like you have nothing on.

They were the first eyewear company to offer a hinge-less and screw-less design called the LINDBERG AIR Titanium; originally created in 1983, it was not dispensed until 1986 due to the meticulous developments the product had to undergo before it was approved. In 2011, the company won the Silmo Gold award. This is the most prestigious international award in the eyewear industry which demonstrates the level of standard the company strives to.

The company’s biggest achievement was being granted the royal warrant by the Danish court. HM Queen Margethe II of Denmark and HRH Henrik of Denmark are usually seen wearing of the LINDBERG AIR Titanium frames.


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